Mutilation Investigation
Rich Hill,
Date of event: April 10,
Investigation on site: April 22, 2013
Location: 2 miles south of the D. ranch Near Rich Hill, Missouri
Investigation on site: April 22, 2013
Location: 2 miles south of the D. ranch Near Rich Hill, Missouri
Rancher/Owner: Mr.
B., Deputy Sheriff
Witness: Mr. D.
Present: Margie Kay, Investigator, Mr .D., Mr. B., and later his son. Also present was Margie Kay's husband.
Witness: Mr. D.
Present: Margie Kay, Investigator, Mr .D., Mr. B., and later his son. Also present was Margie Kay's husband.
Note: some photos are from Mr. D., others are my own.

Mr. D then took me to the site where
the dead animal was moved and I took several photos of it, which show
that nothing has touched it, but it is bloated up and decaying.
Flies were swarming around it and due to the awful smell I could not
get very close to it.

thought it was a cult that was doing the mutilations but was perplexed because there were no signs of human or vehicle tracks near the animals and no blood. The FBI told him at that time to quit pursuing the cases and drop his investigation, which he did, being somewhat alarmed at the tone of the FBI. The Sheriff also told him to drop it and not ask any further questions.
Mr. B then stated that he has been to
his pasture site every night since April 10 in an attempt to see who
or what might return, but that he has seen nothing out of the
ordinary since. He and Mr. D. also said that the other cows have
been acting strangely, and that they would not go near the mutilated
cow, and that one day all of the calves were found at the pond crying
out, while the rest of the heard remained up the hill ignoring them.
This is not normal behavior for cattle, as they always all remain
together and don't abandon their calves. Another day, Mr. D. found
one single cow grazing on a hill, far away from the herd, which he
found extremely strange as well. He related a case with his own
cattle where one cow got separated from the heard and dropped dead
from a heart attack due to fear of being away from the herd.
The herd came to watch us |
Both men also said that no coyotes or
buzzards have touched the dead cow, which is also not normal. They
would have expected animals to be feeding on the dead cow, but none
have done so (see my own photos showing that nothing has touched the
Deputy B said that there were no tracks
from any type of vehicle, nor footprints on the ground near the site
where the cow was found. It had been raining and the ground was wet
and would have shown some type of tracks under those conditions. Mr.
Boyles has investigative training and would have been able to
ascertain whether a vehicle had been in his pasture.
There was no blood found around the
dead animal, however Mrs. B. thought she saw drops of blood in the
animal's nose.
Mr. D had recently read that sometimes
the tongue is removed in cattle mutilation cases, so he opened up the
cow's mouth with a stick and found that this cow's tongue has indeed
been removed. He submitted a photo of this.
Both men reported seeing unmarked
helicopters flying low over the ranch and their homes since the
event, which is not common, and two F-16 jets flew low over the ranch
on one evening which is also something they have never experienced
Mr. B and Mr. D said that they will
send me all of their photos.
Investigator's notes: I believe that
Mr. B and Mr. D are credible witnesses and are not fabricating this
story. They wish to remain anonymous.
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