I have been in contact with a man from Northwest Missouri who has a
clan of at least 12 Sasquatch on his property. I was able to interview
him at length recently and found that he has been communicating with
this clan for several years, and that while normally shy of humans, they
are curious, and have come to trust this person I'll call Tom.
has seen Sasquatch children with their mothers, teenage males, adult
males, and older males. They seem to stay together as a clan, keeping
the females towards the center of the group for protection. The older
males are the hunters and the younger males seem to be the protectors.
Tom found paths on his property and has determined that the Sasquatch
cover themselves in skunk odor in order to mask their scent so the deer
won't be tipped off that they are nearby. Then, several Sasquatch lead
deer towards a certain area, where they are met with a surprise attack.
Apparently, deer are a favorite meal for Sasquatch. Tom says that in
order not to spook the deer too badly, the Sasquatch often move the deer
herd to a different site, then back again so they won't be tipped off
that it is a dangerous area.The Sasquatch work together with coyotes to
round up and move the deer.
Tom has been within
15' of a male Sasquatch while outside on his deck, and he and a friend
have seen them looking in windows at his televisions. Tom has left food
out, which soon disappears. He saw females and males taking the food,
which he leaves by a shed. He's also found berries missing from trees
and bushes to 12 - 14' up from the ground, but the top part of the tree
remains full. Apparently, Sasquatch only get the berries that are easy
to reach.
The witness has obtained audio tape of
their wood knocks, calls to each other, and even a birth of a baby. I've
heard these tapes and they are amazing. The females call with a "Whoop
whoop" sound, similar to an owl. The tapes have been reviewed by
linguist and Bigfoot researcher Scott Nelson, who says that the calls
are definitely not owls, not only because of the tone but because of the
frequency at which they occur.
Tom believes that the
Sasquatch are very intelligent and are often misunderstood by humans. He
is fiercely protective of them so won't give out his exact location to
the public. One researcher has been given permission to do an
investigation on site and will spend a couple of weeks on the site this
summer or fal l(2015). After this is completed I'll post results.
won't allow women researchers on his site because he is afraid that
there might be an issue with the male Sasquatch. Since his encounters,
Tom has studied the subject extensively and has been in contact with
seasoned investigators who say that there have been many cases where
women have been abducted by male Sasquatch. For this reason, he keeps
women away from the property.
Kay is a paranormal investigator and psychic detective living in Kansas
City, Missouri. She is the Assistant State Director for Missouri MUFON.